Stardust Big Band

                 Vocals Shirley Chauvin Saxophones Gary Meggs Earl Hesse Brian Trubitt Sean LaFollette Trumpets Mike Copeland Guido Ritchie Josh...
The Stardust Music List gives you the names of all of the musical numbers that you would care to listen to. If you have a request, just write the name of one of these pieces on the back of a $20 bill...
Past Musicians of the Week
Mr. Frank Janaskie To the band and his growing throng of admirers, Frank is the lowest of the low. Ever striving to "put the metal to the pedal," his motorcycle even has an F attachment. Frank has been...
Stardust Seven
The cream of the group, skimmed from the impressive talent that Stardust has to offer. This group of all stars plays the music of the big band era and later to give you an event you won't forget. Made...

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